Overview of Student Fees

Background image: UC Berkeley
Image credit:
Keegan Houser

What are the different types of fees that CSF oversees?

Student Service Fees

The Student Services Fee is a UC system-wide mandatory fee charged to all registered undergraduate and graduate students. As noted by Regents Policy 3101, “Income generated by the Student Services Fee (formerly referred to as the University Registration Fee) shall be used to support services and programs that directly benefit students and that are complementary to, but not a part of, the core instructional program”

Campus-Based Fees/Referenda

Campus-based mandatory fees are initiated and approved by students via a student referendum and later approved by the Chancellor. Each of these fees help support student programming and activities such as student transportation, supporting student access to technology, wellness, and other areas of supplemental benefits to the student experience. Each fee additionally has student members as well as CSF members who sit on each committee to ensure oversight. Examples of campus-based fees include the Class Pass Transit Fee, Rec Sports Fee, and the Wellness Fee.

Course Materials Fees & Miscallaneous Fees

Course Materials Fees and Miscallanous Fees are set in accordance with the Delegation of Authority 2559. Course Materials Fees encompass user fees, service charges, or fines assessed to cover the cost of services and materials. These are not mandatory as a condition of enrollment and are only charged to students and others when the service is applicable (e.g. course material fees, lab use fees, etc.). 

Miscellaneous Fees are fees that can be proposed by all academic and non-academic units. As defined by the Berkeley Campus Policy and Procedures on Miscallenous Student Fees, “This policy covers fees and service charges that may be assessed for purposes such as: covering the cost of non-instructional services or materials; encouraging compliance with administrative rules; replacing or repairing equipment which is damaged by students beyond normal wear and tear; recovering costs through rental charges for the student's use of University-owned tools, musical instruments, or other equipment; or covering the cost of other materials or services necessary to provide a special supplemental educational experience of direct benefit to the student.”

Student Fees Committees and Meetings that CSF Members Sit on:

ASUC Senate Meetings
Basic Needs Referendum Oversight Committee
Big C Committee
CACSSF - Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Student Services and Fees
Cal Performances Board of Trustees
Class Pass Advisory Committee
Course Materials & Services Committee
Gold Fee Committee
Graduate Assembly Delegate Meetings
HFAB - Health Fee Advisory Board
INK Oversight Committee
Life Safety Committee
Lower Sproul Student Council
Recreational Sports Board of Governors
SACFAE - Student Advisory Council on Financial Aid and Education
SHAC - Student Health Advisory Committee
SHIAC - Student Health Insurance Advisory Committee
SFRC - Student Fee Referendum Committee
The Green Initiative Fund Committee (TGIF)
WFAC - Wellness Fee Advisory Committee

General Resources about Student Fees